Professional Growth

Front-end developer with more than 5 years of experience working with CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, Django, and other libs. I was hired for my first job while I was still in College and didn't have any experience in the field. It was in this job that I started working with Web Design and my main duties were developing websites and dealing directly with customer requirements. After just one year, I was hired by another company to work as a Front-End Developer, where I continued to learn and improve my professional skills.

I'm always looking to learn more and I like to keep myself active with challenges and new goals. I have good communication skills, I'm a perfectionist, I always deliver my demands on time, I'm good at solving problems and I know how to work well in a team or by myself.


2016 - 2017
Grupo Irmãos - Ribeirão Preto, SP

Web Designer
I was hired to work as a Computer Technician, where I had to take care of the maintenance and proper functioning of computers and notebooks. I was promoted to Web Designer after 6 months. from there, I went to develop the company's and some clients websites, creating their visual identities.

2017 - 2023
Convertize - Ribeirão Preto, SP

Front-End Developer
Developed, maintained, updated online stores, and the plataform. I improved my field of expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django, and JSON language. Doing also customer services, mentoring, and improving my skills in e-commerce.

Tamaso Consultoria - São Paulo, SP

With an hourly contract, I carry out work in the areas of front-end, back-end .NET, support, and BI in educacional area.



Throughout my journey at Convertize, I developed small and large stores, landing pages for campaings as Black Friday, brand new showcases with new features for improved market. Pop-ups incluing newsletter or promotional, and features for shopping cart. This experience upgraded my skills with e-commerce, and purchasing practice.

PetCamp NewNutrition Loja Agropecuária Trimais Super Pague Menos

Web Sites

Working as a freelancer and at Grupo Irmãos (currently Tecnodata Solutions), I created institutional websites for some partners, focusing on highlighting their main strengths. As for Convertize, I developed their websites and the currently available in Django CMS.

Convertize Varanda da Picanha

Other Projects

I participated in other projects in the companies I worked for and as a freelancer. Many of these projects are associated with login forms, administration dashboards, and others. Due privacy and LGPD politicy, some of these projects are not available for demonstration or public in my repositories.

GitHub Repositories

SEO Works

Based on my experience in e-commerce, I did some SEO work for partners, highlighting then in Google search, campaigns creation, and performance optimization.

Murruga Shop Casa Affonso Joalheria
